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nedjelja, 25. rujna 2011.

Watch TV TV stations live on your Computer

Watch television - Live Internet TVWatch 4000 Online TV stations from your computer. Not required of a television hardware. Pure picture - no monthly payment needed.
Watch TV stations online from home. All you need is our IP television software, your computer, and online connection.
One of the most convenient things about live ip TV is that since you are watching it on your PC when a commercial comes around instead of having to sit through it you can just surf the web, which gets rid of the pain of commercials.
It's my favourite Internet Television. It's so easy and convenient to use. There are number of Interenet pages that provide you to view Television stations. Have you seen your favourite station last night? Or if you prefer to watch archives of classic stations? It's very easy to find them. Find them on video web pages such as Internet TV software, or social networking sites like MySpace. They always broadcast you one or two current episodes of the most popular or top rated channels. Also are available shows that presented only on the Internet. They last for a short time, but are worth viewing.
Watching live television is very convenient and affordable without all the wires and installation charges it takes for regular cable or dish television services to be connected. With live TV, all you simply need is a PC and the internet, it's that easy. Most services are available on the Web for free and almost all large broadcasting stations like Fox, NBC, and ABC have web-sites where their series can be viewed. There is no need to buy cable if you hardly ever watch television when everything is available online, even live broadcasting of last news.

subota, 25. lipnja 2011.

How to Give A Better Wedding Toast Speech

The toast is a very important moment in the reception, it represents a bond, a trust and a blessing for the couple from a close and beloved relative or friend. However the mix of alcohol, music, nerves and partying can sometimes lead to a less than favorable speech. Or perhaps you just don’t even know where to begin in the first place. Not the best writer? Don’t worry about it, here are some tips that will make sure your speech is priceless.

Keep it short
Long speeches, no matter how good, intriguing or touching, will cause some of your guests to fade out and lose interest. If you keep it brief you’ll have a better chance of maintaining the interest of all the guest as well as staying on track in your speech and remaining focused. An unfocused speech can trail off on a million tangents and sound like a senseless murmuring. Get to the point, make it and then raise your glass. Short and sweet is always better than long and winding.

Avoid embarrassing stories and inside jokes
While these might be funny to you and your friend or relative they won’t be to everyone else who isn’t in on the joke or those who are the ones who were embarrassed in the story. It is not the time or place for embarrassment so leave it out. No inside jokes because you want people to feel included and if they don’t understand the message they won’t be included and then they might actually think you are ridiculous.

Do not insult anyone
No making fun of or belittling anyone! If you don’t like your friend or family member’s other half that’s fine but don’t express it on the grand stage of their wedding. There is a time and place for that but this is not it. Especially do not make fun of or insult the bride. This is her day. If you don’t have anything nice to say about either the bride or groom then don’t say anything at all. Keep the speech nice and pleasant, this will not only please the guests and happy couple but also keep your butt safe from being jumped after the reception.

Speak slowly and clearly
There’s nothing worse than being able to hear or understand a person. If you speak too fast your entire message will be lost. If you mumble your speech will be lost. Speak slowly and clearly so that everything you are trying to express will be heard and understood.

End it on a high note
Finish off the speech on a positive note. Make it light and sweet or deep and heartfelt but keep it on a good and happy notion. You want the couple and the rest of the guests to be smiling at the end not glaring at you or looking away with questionable frowns. Raise your glass and ask everyone else to, then say your final line and drink up. That’s it, you made it through your speech!

srijeda, 22. lipnja 2011.

Massage As Treatment for Round Ligament Pain During Pregnancy

Many women find that as they progress through their pregnancy, they begin to experience what is known as round ligament pain during pregnancy.

Round ligament pain during pregnancy is due to the weight of your expanding uterus on your already stretched ligaments, but it all starts with those pesky hormones that make all the other changes in your body!

Hormonal changes in your body start to soften your ligaments, to allow for greater movement and stretching during childbirth as your pregnancy progresses.  However, those softer ligaments are also put under ever increasing pressure as your baby’s weight grows.

The further along in your pregnancy you are, and the heavier your baby becomes, the more likely it is you will experience round ligament pain during pregnancy, when you physically exert yourself by walking and other activities.

The good news is that in most cases, round ligament pain during pregnancy is completely benign, and while it may be painful, and slow you down quite a bit, there’s unlikely to be any lasting damage.

If you are experiencing what you believe is round ligament pain during pregnancy, you should consult your doctor, as there may be other causes for your symptoms.  If RLP is diagnosed, your doctor will probably recommend avoiding physical exertion, gentle massage of the affected area to soothe the pain, and possibly a mild painkiller, such as Acetaminophen or paracetamol.

The application of mild heat to the area during massage can also bring relief to sufferers of round ligament pain during pregnancy, as can gentle stretching exercises.

Remember that round ligament pain during pregnancy, while certainly not pleasant, is usually also not dangerous, and that the vast majority of women who experience this problem will find that their symptoms spontaneously vanish within a few days or weeks of delivery.

In the mean time, put your feet up and relax as much as possible, take it easy, and use massage and other safe techniques to treat the symptoms of RLP.

petak, 17. lipnja 2011.

IBizz Web Sites

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iBizzWebSites helps clients create landing pages, informational sites, blog sites, and more in as little as cut, paste, type and go… Our website system has been created to work with some of the largest affiliate networks like ClickBank so clients can easily created web pages with their affiliate ID already integrated into the web content. We have perfected our system, and are now offering to the general public, what we believe is the most professional, ultimate, money making website offered on the web today.
The reason we chose this model for our product is, instead of introducing subscribers to another layer of needed education, we built a system which will provide them their websites in just minutes, not hours or any huge learning curve.
The fact that your members will now be able to get their websites live in just minutes, doing something that has been a seemingly impossible task in the past, makes them even more a valuable subscriber to you for all of your other offers. Click Here!

The Total Self -Esteem System

The Total Self -Esteem System™
Dr. Joe Rubino is an internationally acclaimed personal development trainer,
a life-changing success coach and
best-selling author of 12 books, dozens of Audio and Video sets and multiple articles on topics ranging from how to restore self-esteem and achieve business success, to maximizing joy and fulfillment in life and productivity in business. As an acclaimed speaker and course leader, he is known for his groundbreaking work in personal and leadership development, building effective teams, enhancing listening and communication skills, life and business coaching and optimal life planning.

"Discover how 'The Total Self-EsteemSystem™' can Dramatically Impact Your Life for the Better"
His bestselling books and audio programs
are available in 23 languages and in 58 countries.
Dr. Joe Rubino is the CEO of The Center for Personal Reinvention, an organization committed to the personal excellence and empowerment of all people. He has impacted the lives of more than 2 million people through self-esteem work, personal and group coaching, and personal and leadership development. Dr. Joe Rubino has been featured on the cover of Success Magazine and in their cover story: “We Create Millionaires”, for his ability to impact people’s lives. He is a certified success coach in life planning technology and the co-developer of the life-changing course, Conversations for Success, a program that provides participants with the tools to maximize their self-esteem, productivity and personal effectiveness with others. His vision is to personally impact the lives of twenty million people to be their best and to shift the paradigm around resignation - that is, that anyone can affect positive change in their own lives and in the lives of others - if they believe they can.
Dr. Joe Rubino offers a powerful range of products and services to inspire, guide, and empower people to live the quality of life they truly deserve. Possessing healthy levels of self-esteem is of crucial importance for experiencing optimal quality of life and a fulfilling lifestyle.

Important Research Results

Dr. Rubino’s research points to the fact that almost all personal challenges we experience on a daily basis have their roots in deficient self-esteem in certain key areas of life! His recent discoveries show that over 85% of us suffer from some kind of diminished self-esteem - meaning only 15% of us live our desired lifestyles! This suffering is one of the biggest roadblocks that prevents us from achieving our desired results and living our desired life style. For this reason, Dr. Joe is extremely passionate about his mission of positively impacting the lives of 20 million people by showing them the principles that will allow them to design and live their dream lives filled with Joy, Strength, Happiness, Satisfaction and Balance, and Free from Fears, Upsets, Frustrations and Anger.
The science underlying The Total Self-Esteem System model is based upon 20 years of research, coaching experience, and practical implementation. It has supported thousands of people to elevate their self-esteem levels and lead happier, more productive, and fulfilling lives.  Click Here!

nedjelja, 15. svibnja 2011.


Pogledajmo najprije što je to molitva? Molitva je razgovor s Bogom! Što je to razgovor? Razgovor je kad ja imam pred sobom neku osobu, ili pak sam, na bilo koji način u zvučnoj vezi s njom , i ja nešto kažem, ta osoba me sasluša, onda  ona nešto kaže- ja nju saslušam i mi razgovaramo. Dakle razgovor je razmjena misli preko riječi između dvije osobe. Čovjek može razgovarati samo s osobom, ne može s nečim što nije osoba, biljka životinja, mrtva stvar, u tom slučaju to  nije dijalog, to je monolog. Dakle molitva je dijalog s Bogom. Znači razmjena misli s Bogom. Ali da li je naša molitva baš to-razmjena riječi s Bogom? Reći će te: „Pa to je nemoguće! Tko je još čuo da se s Bogom razgovara.“ Varate se, to je i te kako moguće. Bog je Netko, On je osoba, a osoba je duh, osoba nije neka fizička tvar,čovjek je također netko-osoba,dakle čovjek također posjeduje duha, zapravo se upravo po duhu i razlikuje od ostalih stvorenja koja imaju fizičku i psihičku dimenziju, ali nemaju duhovnu dimenziju, i upravo po toj duhovnoj dimenziji,po kojoj je čovjek- čovjek, o je sposoban razgovarati s Bogom. Što čovjek čini kad razgovara s nekom drugom osobom? Gleda ju u lice ili pak uzme telefon, okrene broj i nazove tu osobu i razgovara s njom. A što mi činimo kad razgovaramo s Bogom? Pričamo, pričamo i pričamo. To nije dijalog, to je monolog, mi pričamo a Bog bi trebao slušati i ispunjavati zahtjeve, kao da je on neki naš potrčko koji bi trebao trčati na svaki naš zahtjev. Reći će te: „Ali obećao je! Rekao je da što god zatražimo u Njegovo ime dobit ćemo, imamo pravo tražiti. Nije li onda Bog lažac jer ne ispunjava ono što tražimo od njega?“ imate pravo zaista je obećao, i On uvijek svoje obećanje ispunjava. Pa tko je tu sad lud? On ispunjava obećanja, mi tražimo ali ne dobijemo, gdje je problem? Problem je upravo tu što je naša molitva monolog, što se mi ne obraćamo Bogu, nego izgovaramo riječi, misli, fraze, molitve u prazno. Obraćamo se negdje, nekome, odnosno nikome, molimo se i molimo i nadamo se da će nas Bog čuti i uslišati. To otprilike izgleda ovako: imate Tv i daljinski i pritišćete dugme na daljinskome ali Tv ne radi, a sve je ispravno. U čemu je problem? Tv nije uključen u struju, da bi radio potrebno ga je uključiti u struju. Tako je i s našim molitvama da bi djelovale potrebno je spojiti se s onim koga molimo, potrebno je uspostaviti kontakt.kako? To je jednostavno samo se sjeti da je Bog tu, svuda oko tebe, Bog je postojanje, bitak i On ne može negdje ne biti. Sjeti se da se obraćaš NEKOMU- Ocu Svemogućemu. Mi stalno zaboravimo da je on naš Otac a molimo Oče naš, smiješno , a k tomu još i svemoguć, ali tko to zapravo vjeruje? Dakle Bog je naš Otac a mi stalno molimo: „Smiluj nam se, smiluj nam se!“ ispada da je Bog netko tko je zločest i tvrdoglav i koga mi stalno moramo nešto moljakati. Pa to je sramota, Bog je apsolutno dobar i apsolutna ljubav, njega ne treba ni moliti“ I prije nego tražite vaš Otac će vam dati, jer On zna što vam je potrebno.“ Kaže Isus. Gdje je problem? Problem je u tome što mi ne vjerujemo, molimo a ne vjerujemo, molimo čisto da se moli, ne slušamo što nam Bog poručuje, što nam želi reći. Mi samo trebamo čuti što nam Bog govori i uzeti ono što nam daje. Ali ne mi moramo moliti i moliti i tako smo molitvu pretvorili u boga. Nama više Bog nije osoba, nama Bog postaje molitva, molimo i molimo u nedogled a ništa se ne dešava, nijedna naša molitva nije uslišana upravo zato što mi molimo radi molitve a ne radi toga kako bi smo se susreli i razgovarali s Bogom, kako bi smo nahranili i ojačali svoj duhovni organizam i mi tako zapravo postajemo ateisti, zamijenili smo rog za svijeću pa mislimo da svijetli rog a ne svijeća. Onda se „dobri vjernici“ i „dobri kršćani“ čude od kut toliko zla, zašto su im crkve prazne, zašto sve više ljudi postaju ateisti. Baš čudno, pa tko ne bi postao ateista promatrajući kršćane koji mole i mole, idu na seminare i duhovne obnove a postaju sve gori i gori. Umjesto da ozdrave i ozdravljaju druge, oni postaju sve bolesniji i bolesniji. Tko želi danas moliti nekakvoga boga tamo negdje koji je tako  tvrdoglav i okrutan da ne želi unatoč našim neprestanim molitvama ispuniti niti jednu. Ja ne! A vi? Ja ne želim takvoga Boga, moj Bog je Isus Krist, koji je sama dobrota i ljubav, koji me toliko voli da ide umrijeti kako bi ja mogla živjeti. Ja vjerujem u takvoga Boga i ja se razgovaram sa tim Bogom i sasvim se dobro razumijemo. On je moj najbolji prijatelj i svaki put kad mi nešto treba on mi rado daje, jedva čeka da ga nešto zatražim. Da ne poznajem moga prijatelja Isusa iz Nazareta i ja bih bila ateista, ovako ja vjerujem svome prijatelju iz Nazareta jer On uvijek ispunjava svoja obećanja.

utorak, 3. svibnja 2011.


„Život je stvar gledišta! Svako značenje izabireš sam!“
Ne čini li vam se to previše filozofski i previše apstraktno? Imaš li osjećaj da ne vladaš situacijama nego da situacije vladaju tobom? To je samo privid, vjeruj mi. Nema dobrih i loših situacija. Situacija ili događaj je samo nešto, ni dobro ni loše, značenje mu daješ TI. Situacija ili događaj su dobri ili loši samo ako im ti daš takav predznak. Uzmimo jednu „lošu“ situaciju. Nazove te učiteljica i kaže kako tvom djetetu prijeti isključenje iz škole. Ili ti tvoj dečko ili djevojka ili muž, žena kažu da te ostavljaju, ili si dobio otkaz na poslu, ili si u teškoj novčanoj situaciji. Te „loše situacije imat će taj predznak samo ako ti tako reagiraš, ako ti digneš paniku vičeš na dijete, učitelje, profesore, ravnatelja, kazniš ga ili ne znam što, međutim ako ti to uzmeš kao mogućnost da porazgovaraš s djetetom, da ustanoviš gdje je problem i da ga skupa otklonite ili čak da dijete prebaciš u neku drugu školu i omogućiš mu novi početak, stvorit ćeš jedan dublji kontakt s djetetom i dobit ćeš jedno zdravo i dobro dijete. Ako te netko ostavio, ako se budeš sažalijevati i plakati dobit ćeš tugu i depresiju, međutim ako se odvažiš i počneš se baviti nekim drugim aktivnostima, sklopiš neka nova poznanstva, okreneš se sebi i svojim potrebama, dobit ćeš jedan novi smisao u životu i život će ti dobiti jednu novu dimenziju, ako si dobio otkaz na poslu ili si u teškoj materijalnoj situaciji, možeš kukati, biti depresivan, okrivljavati sve i svakoga ili se možda čak i ubiti, a možeš skupiti hrabrosti pronaći novi posao, novi način zarade novca, koji će ti donijeti novo zadovoljstvo nova poznanstva i novi kvalitetniji život. Dakle tko odlučuje o tvom životu, TI ili život? Promjeni svoje ponašanje tako da izbjegneš neugodni ishod! Nije lako ali se isplati vjeruj mi!